Odoo 12 Technical Settings : Manage Multiple Units of Measure

Aditya Nanda Tri Prakoso
3 min readApr 2, 2021


Hello everyone, back here with me now. We will try a little bit of Inventory Module, especially the technical settings that led to us exploring the Units of Measure that exists in the Inventory Module.

First, we need to activate developer mode to access Technical Settings in the User Manage & Rights. After we enable the developer mode, we go to one of the users and check the “Manage Multiple Units of Measure” to allow the users to access the UoM in the Inventory Module.

After this, we go to the Inventory Module and access settings to enable one more thing to grant access to UoM fully. After that, we checked the “Units of Measure” on the Product settings.

After we enable these, we can check the available UoM in the Inventory Module. These UoM can be used in many other modules such as Purchase and Sales, as in my video.

In the above UoM list, I already added “1/2 Lusin” as a new UoM there.

These are the UoM form that needed to be filled on the creation, some of them are pretty basic, but I’m going to explain Category and Type. Category indicating what kind of measurement it is, Unit, Weight, and even Working Time. On the other hand, Type is related to the Category. It stated, “Bigger than the reference Unit of Measure” actually means that the UoM we created is actually a bigger value than a single unit because 1/2 Lusin is 6 Unit, so the Type kinda explains that.

We can use this UoM on many other modules inside the Odoo. UoM is actually a pivotal point in the Inventory Module, enabling access to the Purchase and Sales as a Unit of Measurement when trying to buy or sell the product.

I hope this article helps anyone reading this, and thank you for reading this. See ya on another episode of me and Odoo 12!!

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Aditya Nanda Tri Prakoso



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